Dignity in the foreground


  • Amadeo José Tonello Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino


Dignidad infinita, persona, naturaleza racional, derechos humanos, ideología de género.


This work aims to provide an introduction to the recent document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Dignitas infinita,” concerning human dignity. It will analyze the concept of dignity and its ontological grounding in the person; the relevance of certain intuitions from classical metaphysics, such as Boethius's well-known definition, “a person is an individual substance of a rational nature.” It will also refer to the need for a theological grounding of the concept of person, and therefore, of dignity. The reflection will also address the universality or lack thereof of the concept of dignity, considering recent developments in the doctrine and practice of human rights; new meanings of dignity (social and existential) and some of the most serious violations of it (such as abortion, euthanasia, extreme poverty, and neglect of migrants), with special attention to the problems caused by gender ideology. From these analyses arises the necessity to continue the reflection on human dignity as an indispensable task for our time.


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How to Cite

Tonello, A. J. (2024). Dignity in the foreground. Filópolis En Cristo, (3), 75–91. Retrieved from //itinerantes.unsta.edu.ar/index.php/FEC/article/view/1058



Declaración Dignitas infinita