Authority, Power, and Politics

Limits and Possibilities


  • Agustín Viejobueno Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino


power, authority, State, coercion, democracy


The analysis of the dispersion of power in social groups and its exercise both by those who hold the legal monopoly of state coercion and by those outside that sphere, as well as the margins and characteristics of authority, has been the subject of study and doctrinal discussion throughout the centuries. Authors such as Plato, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and more recently Raymond Aron, Hannah Arendt, and Robert Dahl, have contributed ideas regarding the consideration of authority and power, their potential for implementation, limits, and risks. Elements such as violence, ideology, and dispersion are referenced in doctrinal debates and enable a series of conceptualizations with which it is possible to analyze, from a comparative perspective, the vicissitudes of their fluctuation and application in modern political systems. 


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Arendt, H. (1961). Entre el pasado y el futuro. Viking Press.

Arendt, H. (1972). Crisis de la república. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Aron, R. (1955). El opio de los intelectuales. Éditions Calmann-Lévy.

Aron, R. (1999). “Macht”, “Power”, “Puissance” ¿Prosa democrática o poesía demoníaca? En: R. Aron, Estudios políticos (pp. 167-190). Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Dahl, R. (1991). La democracia y sus críticos. Paidós.

Dahl, R. (1999). La democracia. Una guía para los ciudadanos. Taurus.

Dahl, R. (2000). La poliarquía. En A. Batlle (Ed.), Diez textos básicos de Ciencia Política (pp. 77-92). Ariel.

Popper, K. R. (1994). En busca de un mundo mejor. Paidós Ibérica.



How to Cite

Viejobueno, A. (2024). Authority, Power, and Politics: Limits and Possibilities. El Observatorio, (2), 71–81. Retrieved from //