The New Law, heart of the Thomasian morality


  • Fabricio Forcat



Thomas Aquinas, New Law, use of grace, virtues, moral renewal


This article focusses on the Theology of the New or Evangelical Law, true heart and inspiration point of the thomasian morality as a whole. The justifying value of the New Law, that consists of its content of grace, distinguishes it radically both from the ancient law and natural law, as well as any kind of human law. In just three questions that are among the most beautiful ones in the Summa Theologiae, Thomas outlines the fundamental laws of Christian freedom. The central core of the New Law -its regulatory element- is not legal: it is the gift of the Spirit that renews the heart, a gratuitous and enlightening event of faith that inclines the affection to the plenary and total good revealed in the person of Christ, maximum sage and friend. In its secondary elements, the New Law only commands or forbids what leads us to grace or what necessary belongs to the proper use of grace. The Evangelic Law is a law of virtues and gifts, in presence of which commandments become instruments and servants. A renovation of the catholic morality could be inspired by the hierarchy of truth and audacity that Thomas displays in this small treatise.


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How to Cite

Forcat, F. (2020). The New Law, heart of the Thomasian morality. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 23(45), 13–43.