Via pulcritudinis. Una puerta abierta al misterio en la “era postmetafísica”
Via pulchritudinis, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Theological Aesthetics, Kafka, aestheticismAbstract
The present article presents the via pulchritudinis in the “post-metaphysical era” when it is conceived as a downward movement in which the via negationis is assumed by the via eminentiae. Indeed, if beauty can now be regarded as one of the “ways of being” must be seen as a door that opens his secret and that requires a receptive attitude of listening and waiting and not of conquest. Thus, purification and transit construction of aestheticism as imaginary gods or idols for aesthetics theophanic vero icon of God who reveals himself in the night occurs. This grammar of the mystery is the door that opens from the beauty being, from the downward path passing hand perspective philosophical aesthetics and theological aesthetics.