Removere et relinquere
La aporía de la teología mística como saber en el Super mysticam theologiam dyonisii de san Alberto Magno
Albertus Magnus, Mystical Theology, Dogmatic Theology, removere, remainAbstract
Studying Albertus Magnus is relevant to the research of mystical theology as the branch of theology that maximizes the idea of disproportion between man and God. His familiarity with Aristotle’s theory of sciences, his metaphysical frame of mind –influenced by Plato’s thought through the reading of Pseudo-Dionysius’s work– and his mystical, theological and pastoral depth make him a great source for the systematic study of the mystical subject, which he undertakes in a commentary on Pseudo-Dionysius’s Mystical Theology. The purpose of this article is to address the problem that mystical theology as knowledge poses on the complex relationship between that which must be “removed” (removere) from our discourse on God for mystical theology to be truly mystical and that which must “remain” (relinquere) in order for it to be truly theology as science.