Aristotle’s God as the “electric power plant of nature”

Brief analysis of the Περὶ χόσμον πρὸς Αλέξαμδρον in reference to the causation of the Unmoved mover


  • Francesco Luigi Gallo Pontificia Facultad Teológica de la Italia Meridional, Nápoles, Italia



Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, God (Aristotle), God (Bible), being, creation


This contribution investigates some concepts of Aristotelian theology (the concept of divine and that of transcendence) starting from an emblematic expression used by the French historian Étienne Gilson to describe Aristotle’s God: “electric power plant of nature”. The expression of the well-known scholastic is not only particularly captivating, but it turns out to be philosophically very significant because it perfectly conveys the meaning that Aristotle’s God assumes in the overall economy of the cosmos, more particularly in the eternal cycle of corruptions and generations. The historical reconstruction is aimed at showing the novelty of the Christian message contained in Revelation and which found in the pages of Thomas Aquinas. In them it is possible to observe the full maturation of a new vision of the world of the creationist type (based on the Metaphysics of Exodus 3,14) which, in continuity with the Aristotelian vision, immeasurably deepens its metaphysical presuppositions.


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How to Cite

Gallo, F. L. (2023). Aristotle’s God as the “electric power plant of nature”: Brief analysis of the Περὶ χόσμον πρὸς Αλέξαμδρον in reference to the causation of the Unmoved mover. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 26(51), 75–103.