The Timeliness of Thomism in Josef Pieper


  • Felipe de Azevedo Ramos Instituto Filosófico Aristotélico-Tomista, Mairiporã, Brasil



Josef Pieper, Thomas Aquinas, thomism, timeliness, tradition


As it is well known, Josef Pieper did not identify himself as a thomist, although his work has been greatly influenced by the thought of Thomas Aquinas. In fact, Pieper is considered one of the greatest Thomists of the 20th Century. Although Pieper dealt briefly and in a very specific manner with the current relevance of Thomism in one of his writings, it is necessary to look at the whole of Pieper’s work in order to clarify the topic in question. Following his own methodology, that is, the use of brief questions and answers, the subtitles are always interrogatives, starting with questions pertinent to the subject, from the meaning of “timeliness” and “Thomism” to the heart of the debate, namely, Thomism today.


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How to Cite

de Azevedo Ramos, F. (2024). The Timeliness of Thomism in Josef Pieper. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 27(54), 165–186.