A philosophical approach to Appraisal theory


  • Mario Haro Almerico Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino, Tucumán, Argentina. Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina




Appraisal Theory, emotions, emotional education, passions


Emotions have been studied by psychology from a primarily physiological approach as a strategy for empirically validating their production. This was a consequence of methodological behaviorism and its influence on psychological research. There was a tendency to dissociate emotions from cognitions and to present them as the results of purely physiological processes. In the 1970s, appraisal theory (Magda B. Arnold) emerged, proposing a different approach that rescues a cognitive dimension to emotions. But is this approach really new? We argue here that although its contributions are scientifically consistent and novel, the context in which they are formulated draws on some elements of the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas. We will limit ourselves here to reviewing two papers (Peters and Lazarus) in order to link and weigh a psychological theory with an underlying philosophy.


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Arnold, M. B. (1969). Emoción y personalidad. Primera parte: Aspectos psicológicos. Losada.

Arnold, M. B. (1969). Emoción y personalidad. Segunda parte: Aspectos neurológicos y fisiológicos. Losada.

Echavarría, M. F. (2016). El corazón: un análisis de la afectividad sensitiva y la afectividad espiritual en la psicología de santo Tomás de Aquino. Espíritu, 65(151), 41-72. https://revistaespiritu.istomas.org/el-corazon-un-analisis-de-la-afectividad-sensitiva-y-la-afectividad-intelectiva-en-la-psicologia-de-tomas-de-aquino/

Ferente, S. (2009). Storici ed emozioni. Storica, XV(43-44-45), 1-22. http://dx.medra.org/10.1400/143235

Lazarus, R. S., Averil, J. R. & Opton, E. M. Jr. (1970). Towards a Cognitive Theory of Emotion. In M. Arnold, Feelings and Emotion (207-232). Academic Press.

Pérez Nieto, M. A. y Redondo Delgado, M. M. (2006). Procesos de valoración y emoción: características, desarrollo, clasificación y estado actual. REME. Revista electrónica de Motivación y Emoción, 9(22). https://reme.uji.es/articulos/numero22/revisio/num22revisio.pdf

Peters, R. (1970). The Education of the Emotions. In M. Arnold, Feelings and Emotions (187- 203). Academic Press.

Sanguineti, J. J. (2017). Afectividad y cognición. Clases. Manuscrito no publicado, Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad Austral, Pilar, Argentina.

Sanguineti, J. J. (2019). Cuerpo, mente y ser personal. Logos.

Tomás de Aquino (1989). Summa Theologica. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.



How to Cite

Haro Almerico, M. (2024). A philosophical approach to Appraisal theory. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 27(54), 221–234. https://doi.org/10.53439/stdfyt54.27.2024.221-234