To be a person is to value



person, values, action, goods


During the pandemic year 2021, we tried to develop a vision of how and what we value, with a particular focus on why we value, how we constitute our value scales, and how our valuing relates to the recognition of authority. In the historical present, we maintain that everything is relative and, at the same time, that there are things that should never have happened –and once they happened they should never happen again. The article proposes to reflect on this question by taking advantage of the ideas of cultures and nature, to be able to distinguish in action, values and goods, with empathic relativity, without relativism, trying to understand that what is valuable is always the experience of someone, to whose sensibility things speak and shine as valuable. Values are abstracted from the motives that an action has had, has, could have, or would like to have, and is experienced as the motivation-energy of real action. Thus we develop the idea of impeding values (which increase our fragility from past wounds), Overflowing values (value, in its real reference, is being set aside by the overflow of our emotionality or our rationality), mirage values (the values in the mirror of my bubble of meaning), phantom values (of merely extrinsic normality) and junk values (which throw human lives as if they were discarded). Finally, it develops the idea that people recognize authority to those who competently defend or promote values that are perceived as such by a community.


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How to Cite

Estévez, R. (2024). To be a person is to value. Español, (4), 37–84. Retrieved from //