Immortality, human or transhuman?


  • Rafael Cúnsulo Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino


trnashumanism, nature, technoscience, enhancement, teleology


The transhumanist movement is seen as indebted to secular and enlightened humanism, since transhumanism strongly believes that the power of reason and material progress are the engines that will lead humanity toward biological perfection through advances in science and technology. Transhumanists assume that the human species is not the end but only the beginning of a new phase in evolution. For future generations it will no longer be possible to distinguish man from machines, nor to discern between physical and virtual reality. For Aristotle, on the other hand, nature is teleological because it is centered on the ends of substances. This notion of end in nature is extremely important because it means that any intervention in man by science or technology must respect these ends in order to achieve his perfection. On the other hand, what does virtual immortality pursue? For eternity still eludes us by far. Neither transhumanist nor philosophical considerations are univocal when it comes to immortality. It is something that continues to trouble human beings. 


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How to Cite

Cúnsulo, R. (2024). Immortality, human or transhuman?. Español, (5), 53–67. Retrieved from //