Hermeneutics of reconstruction

Semantic suicide


  • Raúl Antonio Buendía Chavarría Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


narrative, historical representation, historical experience, analogy


It is inexorable to affirm that the past is gone, it is no longer there, it is an abolished reality. Nevertheless, the eternal impulse of the human being to reconstruct the world is inevitable. From this inclination has arisen “the most dangerous product elaborated by the chemistry of the intellect”, it focuses on what is absent and “the most dangerous product elaborated by the chemistry of the intellect”. It focuses on the absent and “is defined in relation to a reality that is neither constructed nor observed [...], but which is ‘investigated’ and ‘witnessed’. In these brief lines we present a gap in the stormy path of Historical Research and its intersection with the discipline of Hermeneutics, in this specific case, the intersection will be contemplated from the analogicaliconic model of Mauricio Beuchot. This will provide an almost neutral plane to contemplate the hermeneutic notions of explanation, understanding and interpretation and their articulation with the methods and theories of Historical Research. The borderline point, which originates the structure of analogy, will allow us to glimpse historical representation as an operation that crosses epistemic limits and leads to an ontological level, that is to say, it is constituted as a present trace of an absent past. 


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How to Cite

Buendía Chavarría, R. A. (2024). Hermeneutics of reconstruction: Semantic suicide. Español, (5), 69–79. Retrieved from //itinerantes.unsta.edu.ar/index.php/CCH/article/view/1072