The Psalms: Poems and Metaphors that bring us closer to Jesus



praise, metaphor, poetry, senses, daily life, union with Jesus


Praise is prayer that makes contact. He does not escape in request or complaint, but makes a prayer of reality. The praise that the soul in love makes can only use metaphors that barely manage to express something of the density of the communion of life. Metaphors are used to bring closer the lives given in love.  The theoretical approach is taken from the analogical hermeneutics of Mauricio Beuchot. I apply it to the analysis of the psalms, which are biblical literature and poetry, to reach the metaphors of life. We see it clearly in Psalm 23, where the shepherd becomes a divine host. In Psalm 133 other senses come into play for the encounter with Jesus: the aroma for smelling the beloved and the freshness that tempers the skin for the encounter.


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Alonso Schökel, L. y Carniti, C. (1993/1994). Salmos (2 vols.). Verbo Divino.

Beuchot, M. (2012). Tratado de hermenéutica analógica. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Bonhoeffer, D. (2019). Vida en comunidad. Sígueme.

Cardenal, E. (1997). Vida en el amor. Trotta.

Lobo, M. F. (2012). Hannah Arendt y la pregunta por la relación entre el pensamiento y la acción. Biblos.

Ruiz, E. (2012). Más allá del lenguaje. La metáfora como recurso expresivo en el Cantar de los Cantares. Teología, 49(109). 117-131.



How to Cite

Cúnsulo, R. (2023). The Psalms: Poems and Metaphors that bring us closer to Jesus. Español, (3), 27–36. Retrieved from //