Work Culture in Global Times


  • Víctor Francisco Martínez Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino


work culture, administration, organizations, globalization, working market


The article deals with the relationship between the world of administrative ideas and philosophical thought. We will take a brief historical tour through administrative thought, showing how today there are organizations that preserve a vision of work and man which is more typical of past times than of the present, while there are others that have truly modified their behaviour in this regard. What is currently happening with the visions about man and work in organizations? How does this phenomenon happen in global times? As Zygmunt Bauman states, “globalization is on everyone’s lips”. Which does not necessarily imply that we all understand the impact it has on our daily lives and, in particular, our work lives. This leads us to discuss global business models and their particular view of the person in the workplace. This makes us wonder, from an ethical point of view, if our interest in these issues is only as mere
spectators or if we intend to get involved. Finally, this journey leads us to consider what the challenge of the labour market is in a globalized world, so that it also includes education and universities.


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How to Cite

Martínez, V. F. (2023). Work Culture in Global Times. Español, (3), 85–94. Retrieved from //