Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario of extravagant Mixtecos and Zapotecos indians from the imperial convent of Saint Dominic of Mexico city 1594-1753
México, convent, dominican order, brotherhood, rosary, indians, extravagantesAbstract
The present article describes the organization and brotherhood and chapel of the rosary of mixtec and zapotec extravagante indians of the convent of St. Dominic of Mexico. It was managed by dominican friars in their language (Mixtec and Zapotec). This brotherhood was of great importance because it assisted an indian, non autochthonous population of this capital of New Spain during the period that goes from 1594 to 1753. Through this manuscript we may unfold the form of life of the parishioners and understand how they adapted to live with other indian groups and castes in a city that was different and far from their original communities. The importance of this investigation lies in the fact that the documents in the General Archive of the Nation (Mexico) and Historical Archive of the Metropolitan Sacrarium of Mexico concerning the brotherhood and the chapel were used for the first time. Thus it was possible to outline a brief history of the chapel and correct several contradictions found in other texts that described it briefl
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