Renewal of the venerable third order of Saint Dominic and its impact in Mexico city at the end of the XVII century
third order, lay men and women, renovation, statutes, criollismo, devotionsAbstract
In this article I deal with a subject that has scarcely been mentioned in our historiography: the third orders, particularly the Dominican Order.I analyze chronicles, archive documents and different kinds of bibliography.I evaluate the importance this institution had in Mexico during the last years of the XVII century. I chose this time frame because it is the period when the Third Order of Saint Dominic was present in the capital of the new hispanic viceroyalty. Consideration is given in the text as to why the Dominican tertiaries reached a peak precisely in those years; to this end I highlight the importance that the canonization of Santa Rosa de Lima, a notable third Dominican, had in this process. Moreover, I inquire into the relevance some families (Medina Picazo and Herrera) or some individuals (like Gonzalo Meléndez Carreño) had in the strengthening of this institution. Finally, the devotions they created and the problems they faced are dealt with.
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