The introduction of Study at the early stages of the Order of Preachers
institutio, study, Order of Preachers, way of life, teaching, preaching, studiositas/curiositasAbstract
We propose to consider the process of constitution of the institution of the study in the beginnings of the OP from a plural perspective. For it we will analyze the notion of institution, institutio, and its analytical functionality in relation to the study, studium, keeping in mind the medieval meaning of the term institutio, understood as the characteristic status, ordo, conditio of something or somebody. Also, we will evaluate a certain number of notions regarding the place and way of the study in the OP, as they appear in the writings and praxis of Albert the Great, and in the questions on the ways of life and on the offices (qq. 179 - 189) of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas. Thus we wish, on the one hand, to emphasize how the study is shared in common, simultaneously, by the asceticism of the OP, the dynamics of the fraternal life, and the office of education, linking preaching, communitas, and teaching; and, on the other, to examine the insertion of the Dominican studium in the moral reflection. To this effect, we will examine two questions of the Summa Theologiae that Thomas Aquinas dedicates to the virtue of the studiositas, and to its opposite vice, the curiositas (qq. 166 and 167).
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